Before we get into our first class (down below)…

Just a quick Introduction and I’d like to Welcome you all to my new blog “SUNDAY SCHOOL” . 

Many people today understand the church as a building. This is not a biblical understanding of the church. The root meaning of church is not that of a building, but of people. Here at “Sunday School” enjoy fellowship and not your average, yet honest  biblical teachings. 

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst”

- 1 Corinthians 3:16



Why we use the Cross in Hoodoo!

The Cross in one way or another has always symbolized in physical form the intersection of humans with the divine. In Hoodoo we use the cross in our workings as a symbol of the crossroads.

A different perspective of the cross is the Medicine Wheel which is also a physical manifestation of our Spiritual energy. An outward expression of our internal dialogue with the Creator. It means being balanced in the four parts that are found in the four directions of the Medicine Wheel. These four parts for human beings are the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects of the self.

We need to try and balance these four parts that were given to us, to function as people at the center you find learning self beauty and harmony.

The medicine wheel and the cross can have similar meanings. In esoteric wisdom the long arm of the cross symbolized the descent of the soul into matter, the two cross bars symbolized East and West. True alchemy refers to the spiritualization of the lower nature of mankind, as practiced ankh and by the ancient esoteric priesthoods of Egypt. This is before religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The ankh was the symbol of sacred power invested in the Egyptian priesthoods and transferred through pharaohs, a cross with a looped top signifying the eternal nature of the soul and its journey.

The devotional rituals which had sustained mankind for thousands of years were later seen as pagan by what would become the mainstream religions of the next Age. The Wiccans may refer to it as calling the four corners or four directions. A lot of tribes use similar knowledge as the medicine wheel.

However the cross in its many forms has always symbolized the link between spirit and matter and has been adopted and adapted by sacred traditions through thousands of years. Rather it be a metamorphosis to changing belief systems from ancient Eygpt, pagan rituals, through to the present day.

The pre Christian cross with the circle of pagan worship symbolized Unity. North, South, East and West and the four elements Fire Air Water and Earth. As they tried to wipe out paganism the cross itself physically changed. Early Christians however retained the symbol of the Cross with the circle, signifying the belief in the eternal nature of the soul.

In hoodoo we use a lot of Christianity as that was the religion of our ancestors at the time. Actually our ancestors used “the magic under their feet”. So you may see strong influence from other cultures. Just as in Santeria and Muerte you will see the use of lots of saints and Catholicism. This is why you see the strong link and cross references through religion and conjure as well.

Use the cross in your magick especially crossroads, road opener and protection and spirit workings. 

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