Stop being an enemy to yourself…

This message from Spirit was kind of deep, long and not what I planned. I’ll still upload today’s Sunday School message which was actually about Discernment on the website ….

I literally just started to channel this message from Spirit 🗣️

They fuck us up by making us believe all that we do is for some external force. I started to take my journey more personal when I realized that I WAS GOD! Yes there is a creator, but did you know that YOU ARE THE CREATOR YOURSELF? So respecting God is respecting SELF, as is respecting SELF is respecting GOD.

I can tell how you believe in yourself and the creator by how you move. Some of y’all say y’all believe but you truly don’t.

I’ve been on my Journey for a solid 15 years now. This journey wasn’t taken overnight. Some of y’all rush or just do things because “it’s trending”. When it don’t work how you think it should, you give up.

💭 ….You know in the movies they always show a “witch” (for lack of better words) get her powers at the age of 16. Then they always show her not listening to elders and making mistakes with the use of her power. It’s for a reason learning to harness power, energy and confidence take time.

Please Stop trying to rush shit! There’s no place you are getting to. Your whole life is a part of your journey.

Let’s get to it…
Revelation 3:16 “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

When you don’t take the time to truly develop a relationship with the universe, you are not developing a relationship with your self, so you’re innately also turning against the God in self!

As they say “stand for nothing, fall for anything”. I told y’all God wants warriors whom know where they stand.

The God in you needs to know your stance. EITHER YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AS THE CREATOR OR YOU DO NOT. It doesn’t matter what you do for show. How you believe shows in how you move!

Some of Y’all call yourself Kings & Queens, Gods & Goddesses but you do not move as such!

When you constantly waiver back and forth on your spiritual journey you will be confused. You will get to the point where you will literally make yourself sick of your own shit. In that moment you will either turn your back on self, or make the choice to get yourself together and truly put power where it belongs.

This is why from day one… Take the time to truly develop your own relationship with the universe. You may be surprised what you find & what hidden information is given to you. You never know how spirit will fill your cup, unfortunately many of you won’t learn because you are so fearful of anything different. You are afraid to try things that someone hasn’t sold to you. When someone isn’t holding your hand or telling you what to do. By constantly going back and forth, You are are doing yourselves a great disservice.

Spirituality is not RELIGION. Even the greatest spiritual teacher will not hold your hand. THIS IS PERSONAL MAKE YOUR HEALING AND JOURNEY PERSONAL. Spirit gets tired too. Stop promising things that you cannot deliver.

In Matthew 12:30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

What does that mean?

That if you don’t eventually allow yourself to live in a higher consciousness, with yourself and the creator you will not have peace! Because you are ultimately fighting against yourself. You will forever be lost. Some of you literally choose to remain lost. Because you constantly look outwards. If you are lost right now it is because you refuse to develop a relationship with the God in Yourself.

You know our elders use to say “if you don’t love God, you can’t love me”. What they meant was “If you don’t love yourself, because you are God… you can’t love me”. If you are an enemy to yourself, you will be an enemy to everyone else …and often by no fault of your own.

This journey is not for some outside source. It’s for you, all along it’s been about YOU! It’s never too late, Start choosing to believe in yourself today.

P.S. excuse my rambling but it happens when I channel, I hope the message is not lost.
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