KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM & DISCERNMENT: How to Use Them & What’s the Difference.

KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM & DISCERNMENT: How to Use Them & What’s the Difference.

Learning to use our three Gifts…

Knowledge can be gained from studies, it can also be a fact revealed to us by Spirit, to help us in our lives. It can be an insight or a God-given understanding of problems, circumstances, or situations. “I just Know it”.

Knowledge can come in many different forms including a book reference, an impression, a word or phase, an image, or a physical or emotional feeling. A lot of times this comes from using Our 4 Clair’s… Clairvoyance, clairaudient, Clairsentience, and claircognizance.

Wisdom is mastery. Wisdom is gained because “you’ve been through it “. Wisdom is the application of the knowledge that we have been given in an appropriate way.

There is also another specific spiritual gift – “the discerning of spirits” – which refers to the ability to distinguish between the human spirit, the Holy Spirit and demonic spirits. You may have the ability to sense the presence of each of these and distinguish between them. 

Though they all work together, The BIGGEST ONE HERE DISCERNMENT:

To discern means “to perceive or recognize the difference.” 

According to Webster’s Dictionary, discernment means keen perception or judgment; insight; acumen. 

So when we he/she is “very discerning” we are speaking on someone who can see a situation clearly, someone whom is not easily fooled, someone who sees the truth or falseness behind the words. 

When we talk about spiritual discernment, we are talking about the same qualities, yet deepened by Spirit and applied to spiritual things.

What is Discernment biblically?

The book of James gives us directions about how to ask for godly wisdom and spiritual discernment.

When dealing with the working with the “Holy Spirit” or (Spirit as I call it), as well as our daily struggles of the flesh (the devil) in our own lives, and the world we all need to pray for wisdom and discernment.

Without discernment the body is vulnerable to the assaults of spiritual attacks and to the poison of false teachers. Spiritual discernment is critical when there is an awakening by Spirit and an increase in spiritual awareness we need it to make sure which voices we are listening to. As to what comes from Spirit and what comes from your human psyche. Are you hearing Spirit… or are you listening to emotionalism, deception, any of the schisms, or is it just heresy (voices of others).

If you harbor fear, deception, or abuse… Spirit will shut down. You must accept your spiritual gifts, manifestations, and guidance. Without discernment you won’t be able to move forward boldly trusting yourself or having confidence of the Holy Spirit.

Discernment is a Process:

* It is a supernatural gift given by Spirit.
* Discernment is given through Spirit dwelling within us and helping us detect truth from falsehood and the presence of evil spirits.
* Discernment comes from the image of God and the dwelling of Spirit in all people. There’s a general awareness of spirituality that comes from God.
* There’s a natural human, intuitive awareness of spiritual realities such as good and evil.

“Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.” Romans 2:14-15 (NIV)

This awareness comes from the God that remains within all of us. Paul confirms this and suggests that the capacity to discern is in the human conscience.

The seed of spirituality is planted in all men; the distinction between good and evil is engraved in our consciences. This “seed of spirituality” is an innate general awareness of God and the realm of the Spirit. Spiritual discernment goes beyond this general awareness of “spiritual things”.

We have perhaps all had the experience of listening to someone teach in which something felt wrong, but we were not sure what it was.

This could have been Spirit within us alerting us to some false prophets or to the presence of evil spirits. This is when our spiritual discernment kicks in!

Discernment is not all supernatural: It also includes common sense and reasoned observation. A process which may be guided by Spirit. For this process to work, there are certain preconditions that must be met.

* Such as knowing oneself and knowing others.
* Being familiar with Your shadow.
* Being able to distinguish good from evil.

“You have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.” 1 John 2:20 (NIV)

“Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:14 (NIV)


As stated above you need to know who’s voices you are hearing. You need to be able to tell the difference between good and evil. We all have our own ideas and agendas about how we could pray for any given subject. Through a process of observation of circumstances, application of knowledge, use of wisdom and discernment we can lead a much more grounded society.

So when someone gives a word of prophecy or word of knowledge, even myself… how do we evaluate its validity? 

Here are a few questions that you can use to discern:
1. Is it consistent with the highest vibrations of the collective. How does it feel on our hearts?
2. Does it give glory to Source or to someone else? Is it Selfless?
3. Does Spirit give you confirmation of the word, or to others in the group? Spirit always confirms.
4. Are there objectives, verifiable facts that confirm the word, or what fruit does it bear?

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